序号 |
论文名称 |
作者名称 |
发表刊物/论文集 |
发表/出版时间 |
1 |
Abnormal open-hole natural gamma ray (GR) log in Baikouquan Formation of Xiazijie Fan-delta, Mahu Depression, Junggar Basin, China |
袁瑞 |
Open Geosciences |
2018-12-20 |
2 |
基于DWT-EEMD的盲源分离算法在MT工频干扰消除中的应用 |
曹小玲 |
煤田地质与勘探 |
2018-12-15 |
3 |
大地电磁的小波变换独立分量分析去噪 |
曹小玲 |
石油地球物理勘探 |
2018-12-15 |
4 |
Level set evolution with sparsity constraint for object extraction |
邹健 |
IET IMAGE PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 8 Pages: 1413-1422 |
2018-12-15 |
5 |
Improving the bound on the restricted isometry property constant in multiple orthogonal least squares |
邹健 |
IET SIGNAL PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Pages: 666-671 |
2018-12-15 |
6 |
Improved RIP-based performance guarantee for sparse signal recovery via A*OMP |
邹健 |
ELECTRONICS LETTERS Volume: 54 Issue: 21 |
2018-12-15 |
7 |
The Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Based on Elite Particle Swam Optimization Algorithm for Stochastic Linear Bilevel Programming Problem |
张涛 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2018-12-15 |
8 |
Utilizing skew normal distribution to unmix grain-size distribution of swampy lakeshore: example from Lake Ulungur, China |
袁瑞 |
Arabian Journal of Geosciences Volume:11 695 |
2018-12-15 |
9 |
Utilizing Integrated Prediction Error Filter Analysis (INPEFA) to divide base-level cycle of fan-deltas: A case study of the Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei Slope Area, Mahu Depression, Junggar Basin, China |
袁瑞 |
Open GeoSCIences Volume:10 Pages:79-86 |
2018-12-15 |
10 |
Utilizing borehole electrical images to interpret lithofacies of fan-delta: A case study of Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mahu Depression, Junggar Basin, China |
袁瑞 |
Open Geosciences Volume:9 Pages:539-553 |
2018-12-15 |
11 |
Stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion |
徐丽平 |
STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS Volume: 142 Pages: 102-108 |
2018-12-15 |
12 |
Exponential stability of stochastic cellular neural networks with mixed delays |
李小飞 |
2018-12-15 |
13 |
Exponential stability of antiperiodic solution for BAM neural networks with time-varying delays |
李小飞 |
MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING牋Volume 2018, Article ID 3034794, 13 pages |
2018-12-15 |
14 |
On fault tolerance of (n,k)-star networks |
李向军 |
Theoretical Computer Science Volume:704 Pages:82-86 |
2018-12-15 |
15 |
The oscillation of the Poisson semigroup associated to parabolic Hermite operator |
李平 |
Acta Mathematica Scientia,Volume 38,Series B, Number 4,July 2018.Page 1214-1226 |
2018-12-15 |
16 |
on 3-stable number conditions in n-connected claw-free graphs |
严政 |
Discrete Mathematics |
2018-12-15 |
17 |
Modified Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Simulated Annealing for Constrained Engineering Optimization Problems |
胡中波 |
2018-12-15 |
18 |
Some two-agent single-machine scheduling problems to minimize minmax and minsum of completion times |
曹小玲 |
OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Pages: 293-314 |
2018-12-15 |
19 |
Split Bregman Algothim for Structured Sparse Reconstruction |
邹健 |
IEEE ACCESS牋Volume:?牋Pages:?1560-21569 |
2018-12-15 |
20 |
pth Moment synchronization of Markov switched neural networks driven by fractional Brownian noise |
周湘辉 |
NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS Volume: 29 Pages:?23-836 |
2018-12-15 |
21 |
Viability for stochastic functional differential equations in Hilbert spaces driven by fractional Brownian motion |
徐丽平 |
Applied Mathematics and Computation |
2018-12-15 |
22 |
Stochastic fractional evolution equations with fractional brownian motion and infinite delay |
徐丽平 |
2018-12-15 |
23 |
Nondegeneracy of positive solutions to a Kirchhoff problem with critical Sobolev growth |
向长林 |
APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 86 Pages: 270-275 |
2018-12-15 |
24 |
Multiple solutions with constant sign for a (p, q)-elliptic system Dirichlet problem with product nonlinear term |
吴海涛 |
2018-12-15 |
25 |
Existence and blow-up rate of large solutions of p(x)-Laplacian equations with gradient terms |
吴海涛 |
2018-12-15 |
26 |
A solving method based on neural network for a class of multi-leader-follower games |
吕一兵 |
NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS Volume: 29 Issue: 12 Pages: 1475-1483 |
2018-12-15 |
27 |
Stability analysis and application for delayed neural networks driven by fractional brownian noise |
周湘辉 |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Volume:29 Pages:1491-1502 |
2018-12-15 |
28 |
Razumikhin-type theorems on pth moment boundedness of neutral stochastic functional differential equations with Makovian switching |
宋银芳 |
Journal of the Franklin Institute Volume:355 Pages:8296-8312 |
2018-12-15 |
29 |
Application of a finite element and boundary element coupling algorithm in pressure response of a fracture-vuggy gas reservoir |
张涛 |
Geosystem enGineerinG |
2018-12-15 |
30 |
Quasi-synchronization of stochastic memristor-based neural networks with mixed delays and parameter mismatches |
宋银芳 |
Neural Computing and Applications |
2018-12-15 |
31 |
Stepanov-like almost automorphic solutions for stochastic differential equations with Lévy noise |
李治 |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods Volume:47 Pages:1350-1371 |
2018-12-15 |
32 |
On conditional fault tolerance of hierarchical cubic networks |
李向军 |
Theoretical Computer SCIence |
2018-12-15 |
33 |
A novel modified BSA inspired by species evolution rule and simulated annealing principle for constrained engineering optimization problems |
胡中波 |
Neural Computing and Applications Pages:1-28 |
2018-12-15 |
34 |
Dynamic connectivity between wells based on a new grey correlation degree method |
董勇 |
Chemical Engineering Transactions Volume:66 Pages:511-516 |
2018-12-15 |
35 |
Magnetotelluric data de-noising based on wavelet transform and independent component analysis |
曹小玲 |
Shiyou Diqiu Wuli Kantan/Oil Geophysical Prospecting Volume:53 Pages:206-213 |
2018-12-15 |
36 |
一个维数无关不等式 |
向长林 |
长江大学学报(自科版) |
2018-11-20 |
37 |
Stochastic fractional evolution equations with fractional brownian motion and in?nite delay |
徐丽平 |
Applied Mathematics and Computation |
2018-11-11 |
38 |
欧拉积分余元公式的证明及应用 |
熊骏 |
长江大学学报(自科版) |
2018-11-10 |
39 |
The Backpropagation Artificial Neural NetworkBased on Elite Particle Swam Optimization Algorithm for Stochastic Linear Bilevel Programming Problem |
张涛 |
Mathmatical Problems in Engineering |
2018-10-08 |
40 |
Characterization of non correlated pattern sequences and correlation dimensions |
郑妤 |
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems -A |
2018-10-01 |
41 |
Hopf bifurcation of a delay SIRS epidemic model with novel nonlinear incidence: Application to scarlet fever |
李勇 |
International Journal of Biomathematics |
2018-09-21 |
42 |
Razumikhin-type theorems on p th moment boundedness of neutral stochastic functional differential equations with Makovian switching |
宋银芳 |
Journal of the Franklin Institute |
2018-09-20 |
43 |
支持向量机的基本理论和研究进展 |
袁瑞 |
长江大学学报(自科版) |
2018-09-15 |
44 |
一类BP神经网络优化评分预测的协同过滤推荐算法 |
苏清华 |
长江大学学报(自科版) |
2018-09-10 |
45 |
on 3-stable number conditions in n-connected claw-fee graphs |
严政 |
Discrete Mathematics |
2018-09-04 |
46 |
The Influence of Network on Advanced Mathematics Teaching |
朱智慧 |
International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development |
2018-09-01 |
47 |
应用黎曼-斯蒂尔杰斯积分证明黎曼第二积分中值定理 |
向长林 |
长江大学学报(自科版) |
2018-07-10 |
48 |
“师生互动”在《概率论与数理统计》教学中的作用和应用 |
曹小玲 |
教育现代化 |
2018-07-09 |
49 |
函数Riemann和式的类Taylor级数展开式 |
黄亮 |
中央民族大学学报(自然科学版) |
2018-07-01 |
50 |
A solving method based on neural network for a class of multi-leader–follower games |
吕一兵 |
Neural Computing and Applications |
2018-06-15 |
51 |
一种求解随机线性二层规划问题的分支定界-粒子群算法 |
张涛 |
西南师范大学学报(自然科学版) |
2018-06-06 |
52 |
改进阈值的TI小波去噪法在MT去噪中的应用 |
曹小玲 |
物探与化探 |
2018-06-04 |
53 |
An Elite Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based On Quadratic Approximations For High-Dimension Bilevel Single Objective Programming Problems |
张涛 |
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention |
2018-05-30 |
54 |
回溯搜索优化算法研究进展 |
苏清华 |
湖北工程学院学报 |
2018-05-20 |
55 |
An improved simulated annealing algorithm for multiobjective programming problem |
张涛 |
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology |
2018-05-15 |
56 |
新时期高校学习思想文化素养培育的思考 |
严星 |
锋绘 |
2018-05-15 |
57 |
Stability Analysis and Application forDelayed Neural Networks Driven by Fractional Brownian Noise |
周湘辉 |
2018-05-08 |
58 |
A coadapted coevolutionary particle swarm optimization |
张涛 |
Journal of Mathematics |
2018-05-06 |
59 |
Pessimistic bilevel optimization: A survey |
陈忠 |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
2018-04-15 |
60 |
Split Bregman Algorithm for Structured Sparse Reconstruction |
邹健 |
IEEE Access |
2018-04-10 |
61 |
一种求解半向量二层规划问题的基于KKT背离度量方程的粒子群优化算法 |
张涛Y |
应用数学学报 |
2018-04-06 |
62 |
资金流向的驱动因子与结构性资产泡沫——基于引力模型的分析 |
黄孝祥 |
现代财经 |
2018-04-01 |
63 |
Iterative Fractional Integral Denoising Based on Detection of Gaussian Noise |
袁瑞 |
Journal of Software |
2018-03-15 |
64 |
大地电磁的小波变换—独立分量分析去噪 |
曹小玲 |
石油地球物理勘探 |
2018-02-15 |
65 |
微电阻率成像测井双属性岩石相划分方法——以准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷百口泉组为例 |
袁瑞 |
东北石油大学学报 |
2018-02-15 |
66 |
Image denoising based on noise detection |
袁瑞 |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2018-01-15 |