讲座题目:Convergence problem of free Ostrovsky equation with rough data and random data
腾讯会议ID:818 190 578
主要从事无穷维耗散动力系统的长时间动力学行为的研究、在深入研究无穷维动力系统全局吸引子存在性的基础上,重点研究它们的结构以及复杂性。在本专业重要国际期刊Transactions of the American Mathematical Society、Journal of Differential Equations、Nonlinearity等杂志上发表论文多篇。2011年获华中科技大学“学术新人奖”,2012年入选2012年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”, 2015年,2019年获批主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。
摘要:This talk is about the convergence problem of free Ostrovsky equation with rough data and random data. Firstly, we will show the almost everywhere pointwise convergence of reduced Ostrovsky equation with rough data. Secondly, we show that the optimal index for the pointwise convergence problem of reduced Ostrovsky equation with rough data. Finally, we show the stochastic continuity at $t=0$ of free reduced Ostrovsky equation, which requires less regularity of the initial data than the rough data case.